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Unicoi County High School Field House




Separate sealed Bids for the Unicoi County High School Field House for the Unicoi County Board of Education, which consists of the construction of a new field house at Bryant Field, will be received by John English, Director of Schools at the Unicoi County Board of Education, 100 Nolichucky Avenue, Erwin, Tennessee 37650, until 2:00 P.M., local prevailing time, on November 21, 2023, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.

The Contract Documents may be examined at the Unicoi Board of Education, 100 Nolichucky Avenue, Erwin, Tennessee 37650; at Thompson & Litton, Inc., 115 East Watauga Avenue, Johnson City, Tennessee 37601; and online at TRASCO (

Copies of the Contract Documents (electronic and/or hard copy) are available for purchase through TRASCO at

A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on November 8, 2023, at 10:00 A.M. All interested parties are requested to meet the Architect at the project site located at 600 South Mohawk Drive, Erwin, Tennessee 37650 at that time.

Bids must be accompanied by Bid security as specified in the Instructions to Bidders.

All Bidders must be licensed Contractors as required by the Contractors Licensing Act of 1994 (TCA Title 62, Chapter 6). A contract will not be awarded to a Bidder whose Bid is in conflict with state licensing law.

By submission of a signed Bid, the Bidder certifies total compliance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and all regulations promulgated thereunder.

The Contractor shall comply with all provisions of TCA 50-9-113 as it relates to Drug-Free Workplace requirements. The Contractor shall complete the Drug-Free Workplace Affidavit of Prime Bidder form and submit it with their bid.

MBE/WBE firms are encouraged to submit Bids.

The Contract(s) shall be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder(s).

The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids if it appears in its best interest to do so.


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