In Unicoi County Schools, the health and safety of our students and staff are our top priorities. We have been working diligently to plan to safely welcome our students back to school oAugust 10. An important part of this planning process is parent input.
We appreciate the work and flexibility of our teachers and parents as we ended the spring semester of school. Considering the ongoing situation with Covid-19, we must remain flexible and open-minded throughout the process of planning for the 2020-2021 school year.
We are currently working on a plan to have children in physical classrooms when school opens on August 10 while following health and safety recommendations and guidelines. Protocols will be in place to limit interactions and increase cleanliness efforts. To honor individual needs and circumstances of students and families, we also plan to offer the choice of a full-time online program of study as an alternative to in-person learning. Should the need arise to close buildings in the future; our transition from on-campus instruction to online learning should be seamless.
To inform our planning, please complete this parent survey. It is extremely important that you respond to this survey to inform planning and resource allocation both for online and in-person learning.
Student activities will follow the most up to date safety recommendations and will seek to minimize health risks. Some of the safety precautions are listed below:
Increased DEEP CLEANING practices at all schools and on buses
Optional Mask utilization for Staff and Students
Hand washing/sanitizing provisions for all schools
Daily temperature checks for students and adults
Students and staff with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be isolated and sent home
Schools will work diligently to reduce social interactions
Only pre-approved visitors will be allowed on campus
Details are still being worked out regarding other school activities (athletic events, field
trips, concerts, bus service, and more)
NOTE: As plans develop and recommendations change, we will adjust procedures as needed.