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District Releases Return-to-Action Plan for School Athletics, Effective June 1


Effective June 1, 2020


• Maintain safe and healthy communities

• Position our region for a return to normal scholastic activities in the fall

• Safely return our students and instructors to scholastic activities


• Prioritize student and instructor care

• Ensure effective community communication

• Provide consistent symptom assessments

• Enact standard record keeping

• Ensure safe student/instructor management

• Ensure effective facility management

• Ensure safe equipment management

• Maintain flexibility


• No student or instructor will feel pressure to participate in any onsite, face to face activities

• No student or instructor will experience any repercussions for not attending onsite, face to face workouts

• Students with risk factors may not participate in activities

• Parent/guardian of the student must sign consent to participate in activity form

• Students and instructors must have pre-activity, basic symptom evaluation each day of attendance


• Each student and family/guardian will be notified of the return to activities plan. This may be via mail, email, website with phone call

• Each student must have a parent/guardian sign and turn in the COVID-19 consent to participate form

• May be paper or electronic

• Form includes health, travel, and personal COVID-19 contact questions

• Each instructor must sign a participation waiver

• Release return to action plan to media and share on social media

• Keep the plan available for review by the community


• All students and instructors will have their temperature taken each day

• No touch thermometers will be used

• Any student or instructor with a fever of 100 degrees or greater will return home immediately – students unable to leave immediately will be kept separate from the group

• The student or instructor must be temperature free for 3 days before return to workouts

• A return to activities verification form must be completed by the parent/guardian – form includes daily temperature readings and the daily symptom questionnaire

• Students and instructors must have pre-activity basic symptom evaluation each day of attendance – evaluation will be logged for each student/instructor each day

• Do you have an unexplained cough?

• Do you have shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?

• Have you been out of the county in the last 14 days? If yes, when and where?

• Have you been around anyone who has had COVID-19?

• Have you had COVID-19?


• Protocol if a student/instructor is known to have been in contact with someone who has or has had COVID-19

• The student/instructor will not attend activities for 2 weeks after the last contact with the affected individual

• The student/instructor must have been symptom free for the entirety of the 2 weeks

• If the student/instructor develops symptoms, then the individual will follow the guidelines for a student/instructor that has been infected


• Protocol if a student/instructor has been diagnosed with COVID-19

• Symptom-based strategy

• Persons with COVID-19 who have symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation under the following conditions:

• At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and,

• At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.


• Protocol if a student/instructor has been diagnosed with COVID-19 but was asymptomatic

• Time-based strategy

• Persons with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 who have not had any symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation under the following conditions:

• At least 10 days have passed since the date of their first positive COVID-19 diagnostic test assuming they have not subsequently developed symptoms since their positive test. If they develop symptoms, then the symptom-based or test-based strategy should be used. Note, because symptoms cannot be used to gauge where these individuals are in the course of their illness, it is possible that the duration of viral shedding could be longer or shorter than 10 days after their first positive test.


• Daily attendance and daily symptom assessments for students and instructors will be maintained on a standard form. These will be submitted and reviewed each day by administration.

• Records will be kept according to activity group

• Instructors will turn in a one-time activities plan to the school athletic director for approval.

• Instructors will keep accurate DAILY grouping records with individual student names. These daily records will be submitted to the school athletic director weekly, or as requested.


• Only school personnel and students will be allowed in facilities – no spectators, no community teams (including travel ball for any sport), NO EXCEPTIONS

• Each activity group will consist of a maximum of 10 people

• In most cases this will be 9 students and 1 instructor, but can be any combination of coaches and players not exceeding 10, but there MUST be at least one coach.

• Athletes will be permitted to rotate to different groups, as well as participate in activities with multiple teams provided that all coaches maintain detailed grouping/contact records with fidelity. If these records are not kept accurately at ALL times, activities for that sport will be discontinued.

• Social distancing of at least 6 feet will be maintained at all times

• No physical contact of any kind among activity participants

• Activity times could be staggered as needed to prevent mixing of groups before and after activities

• Students must arrive to activities dressed – no changing facilities will be provided

• Students must leave immediately after conclusion of activities. Coaches are responsible for ensuring this.

• The instructors will notify students of these activities


• Only school personnel and students will be allowed in facilities – no spectators

• Activity groups will be separated with sufficient buffer zones between groups if in the same areas

• No locker rooms will be available

• Activity groups should be assigned specific parking areas if possible

• Parking lots will be monitored to ensure no gathering of students

• A restroom plan will be in place limiting the number of students in the restroom at one time

• Indoor facilities that have been used will be cleaned and sanitized between group sessions


• Students will not share unsanitized equipment

• School equipment will be sanitized before use by different athletes

• Students will only use equipment that can be used safely without aid (spotter) – 50% weight

• Students must bring their own, labeled water bottles

• For safety reasons, no drinking of any kind (bottled, water horse or fountain, etc) will be provided by the school

• Water bottles left after activities will be disposed of


• Athletic directors, school personal, and health officials will continue to meet, plan, and discuss future changes to the current plan as conditions dictate. This plan is subject to change.

*This plan goes into effect on Monday, June 1, 2020. No activity is permitted prior to June 1. The plan is subject to change. If changes are necessary it will be communicated immediately.

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